Well, it looks like visiting Ben and Mary during Spring Break is becoming a Bennington tradition! We just returned from another lovely trip to Davis, California where my best friend Mary and her husband Ben live with their host of pets Leia (cat), Barley (cat), Guinea (guinea pig), and "Despy" (Desperado the snake). We spent 6 days with them in their magical land of endless parks and flowers; Davis was nearly empty (all the college kids were gone) and the weather was absolutely gorgeous - 73 and lots of sunshine. We spent most of our time playing Thurns and Taxis (a very tedious, yet extremely fun board game), eating good food, drinking good wine, walking our doggie, riding bicycles, soaking in the hot-tub, and Mary and I even got in a good game of tennis (well, we don't really know the rules but we managed to hit the ball back and forth a few times!) It was a delightful trip and we look forward to another one next Spring!