Wednesday, May 14, 2008


At the Department of Human Services Building

Turning in our paperwork

Yay! We've officially begun the adoption process!

As some of you already know, Robert and I haved decided to adopt a child (or sibling group) through the State of Oregon. Back in November we started a series of classes on Foster Parenting and Adoption through the Department of Human Services to learn more about children in need in our community. We let a few months go by as we thought and prayed about it, and although we had initially been leaning more towards Foster Parenting, the Lord has really turned our hearts towards adoption. Because we hope to have a few biological children as well, and will be able to experience infants, we are open to adopting older children (0-5 years). These children are not your typical adoptable babies; they are children who have been taken out of their homes due to abuse or neglect (or both) and have been living in foster homes while their parents are given the chance to either change their behavior or lose their rights to the child. We know it will not be easy to raise a child with such emotional needs, but we also know that the Lord will give us the strength we need to carry out His calling to love the "fatherless" for we too have been adopted into the family of God! We have finished all required classes and 90+ pages of paperwork, and hope to begin the home-study process in the next few weeks. Please keep us in your prayers as we go through this process; that it will be timely and that the Lord will lead us and the judge to the right child/children for our family.


  1. Oh wow Holly how exciting! I will be praying for you and Robert!

  2. that is such a great decision! and i love how you are open to adopting older kids, even though it may be harder. i'll be praying for the you all

  3. Thanks for keeping us updated. We will continue to pray for you guys on a regular basis as you go through this process. We look forward to seeing which child or children the Lord brings into your homes.

  4. the you all? i cant believe i typed that!

  5. It's okay August... we love "the you all" anyways:)

  6. this is a great journey! there needs to be more people like you and Robert.
