Wednesday, June 24, 2009

You're Stinky Bud!!!!

Oliver has been wide awake and very alert more often this past week, so Daddy decided to capture a few moments of it on film. While he was talking to Oliver, his little boy decided to make the moment memorable and give Daddy his first wiff of Oliver poo! And wouldn't you know, he followed it up with a big, happy grin:) You'll also hear why we affectionately call our little boy "Flipper": he likes to make really cute dolphin noises.


  1. he's developing his sense of humor already:)

  2. stinky butt, thats what I call Taleah =) very cute

  3. i am laughing aloud!!! too cute! so glad you got that on film! love, amy stafford

  4. I laughed so hard that I almost pooped my pants!

  5. hahahahahahahahahaha
